Live A Better Life And Design The Reality You Desire

ThetaHealing is a powerful mind-body quantum healing technique for resolving emotional and physical struggles. It is a unique method that empowers you to rapidly identify limiting beliefs, dissolve deep-seated blocks and unlock your potential by reprogramming your subconscious mind to re-create your life exactly as you choose.

Feel stuck in life?

Struggling with health challenges or chronic issues?

Seeking fulfilling and harmonious relationships?

Money blockages holding you back from true prosperity?

Battling with past traumas, emotional wounds or anxiety?

Craving a life filled with joy, success and harmony in every way?

ThetaHealing can help you break free from emotional and mental barriers and achieve true balance and happiness in health, career, relationships and beyond.

How Does ThetaHealing Work?

Consider the impact of your unconscious beliefs on your life – health, career, relationships and happiness are all influenced by these deep-rooted patterns.

With ThetaHealing we can download new programs/beliefs and feelings that support your life so you can be empowered to create the life you want to live. ThetaHealing has achieved life-changing transformations by accessing the Divine via connection to the theta state.

Health, wealth and happiness are your birthright, yet many seek them endlessly. Often, hidden beliefs sabotage these dreams. Recent findings in quantum physics validate that your deepest beliefs, attitudes and expectations shape your experiences and the level of success you can expect to experience in any area of your life. ThetaHealing helps you rewrite these beliefs, empowering you to reclaim control over your life.

Heal Quicker and Easier Than Ever Before

Release stress, physical ailments and anxieties with ease.

Live in Harmony with Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Let go of negative belief systems, and replace them with healthy habits and positive emotions, unleashing your best self and cultivating virtues for a fulfilling and successful life.

Manifest Your Reality

Reshape your reality by reprogramming subconscious thoughts and emotions. Unlock the path to success and lasting happiness in all areas of your life.

Is ThetaHealing for Me?

Below are key areas ThetaHealing has been found to help with:

    • Emotional pain, suffering, grief, sorrow, anger, fear etc.
    • Negative Beliefs/Programming
    • Rejection, Regret and Resentment
    • Health issues/illness
    • Weight loss
    • Anxiety
    • Transforming unhealthy behavioural patterns, even addictions.
    • Manifestation
    • Success, attracting money, business
    • Attracting Love

What Makes ThetaHealing Different from Other Methods?

ThetaHealing offers distinctive advantages setting it apart from traditional healing methods:

  • Direct Teaching of New Feelings: ThetaHealing empowers you to energetically teach your body new feelings, such as the sensations of happiness, health and success.
  • Harmony of Spiritual, Physical and Mental States: ThetaHealing provides a direct path to realising your goals in work, finance, love, wellbeing and happiness.
  • Efficiency and Directness: In contrast to time-consuming, invasive techniques, ThetaHealing is powerful, direct and less complicated. A single session has the potential to transform a lifetime of frustration, ushering in a new, joyful existence.

ThetaHealing stands out as a potent and efficient means to instil positive feelings, harmonise life aspects, and catalyse transformative shifts with speed and precision.

What to Expect during a ThetaHealing Session?

Listening and Pinpointing Core Beliefs: I will deeply listen to you and ask a series of questions to identify core beliefs ready for transformation and wounds needing energetic healing. Your honest responses guide the process, and the first thing that comes to mind is valid.

Energy Testing and Validation: Through energy testing, we validate the core beliefs to be changed, always respecting your free will. There is no judgment – I hold you with compassion, creating a safe space for open sharing.

Intuitive Body Scan: I may conduct an intuitive body scan to identify imbalances needing harmonisation. Throughout this process, I act as a witness to Creator’s healing, ensuring every step respects your consent and free will.

Spiritual Healing and Medical Attention: ThetaHealing is a form of spiritual/alternative healing and does not replace medical care or diagnosis. I encourage you to follow up with your medical practitioner as needed. We release beliefs and feelings that created illness and download new beliefs and feelings to help restore wellness. Results vary, but many experience significant positive shifts.

Session Duration and Exploration: Sessions typically last between 45 to 60 minutes. Some issues may require deeper exploration, and you may desire more than one session. Together, we will uncover the root issues, clear out old energy, and bring in new ways of thinking.

Why Choose to Work with Janina?

An Effective Mix of Science and Spirituality

With over 20 years of expertise in health and wellness, Janina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences and has published multiple peer-reviewed research papers. Her approach integrates traditional wisdom with modern techniques, ensuring a balanced and holistic healing experience. As the Director of Cryoskin and Body, Janina combines her extensive knowledge with her personal healing journey to provide transformative services.

Advanced ThetaHealing and Subconscious Reprogramming:

  • Neuroscience-Based Techniques: Janina’s methods leverage the power of neuroplasticity to reprogram the subconscious mind, transforming self-sabotaging thought patterns and manifesting desired realities.
  • Cryoskin: This non-invasive treatment uses advanced technology to tone and slim the body, providing tangible, visible results from the first session.

Real-World Application:

  • Janina’s background as a former competitive athlete and owner of three wellness centers ensures practical, real-world applications of her healing methods. Her experience in health promotion, nutrition, fitness and yoga further enhances the effectiveness of her sessions.

In-depth Spiritual Knowledge:

  • Janina is an accredited Advanced ThetaHealer, Reiki Master, and Access Bars Facilitator. Her personal journey of healing from chronic fatigue and burnout 12 years ago enriches her understanding and empathy, allowing her to guide others effectively on their paths to wellness.

Proven Results:

  • Clients have experienced profound transformations, achieving their health and wellness goals through Janina’s holistic and compassionate guidance.

Trust in Janina’s extensive knowledge, intuitive abilities, and compassionate heart. With Janina, you are in the hands of an expert committed to your transformation and empowerment.

Transform Your Life with ThetaHealing

Ready to experience the transformation that ThetaHealing offers?

Book your ThetaHealing session now and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and aspirations!


ThetaHealing (online)

$Price : $140

DURATION: 30-60 min

  • 1x One-on-one ThetaHealing Session

financial healing (online)

$Price : $140

DURATION: 30-60 min

  • 1x One-on-one ThetaHealing Session
  • Reprogram your mind to blast away limiting beliefs and open the door to a more successful, happy and abundant life

Release Pain & Blocks (online)

$Price : $140

DURATION: 30-60 min

  • 1x One-on-one ThetaHealing Session
  • Release negative emotions and pain

Mind & Body Transformation

$PRICE : $1997


  • 5x CryoSlimming
  • 2x ThetaHealing
  • 5x P90 PEMF/TeraHertz/Infrared

Only: $1,997 (Regular $3275)